Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Before I start telling you all about our London adventures, let me express my heartfelt thanks to all who helped us get here.  This past weekend was very stressful as I certainly don't want to put students on the road in bad weather, but I also know how excited they were to begin this adventure (and how extremely complicated it is to rebook a group flight out of Rapid City).  

Thanks to all the people I spoke to on the phone for hours on Saturday asking 'what if' questions.  And especially to all the friends and family (my husband included) who spent Sunday morning in the snow clearing sidewalks and digging out vehicles just so we could get to campus.  My gratitude to our driver, Merlyn Chambers, who used his truck to make a path to the People Mover, got it cleared off, loaded luggage, and then got us safely to Rapid City...and for being calm and reassuring the whole time.  My appreciation to campus security who are ignoring the randomly parked cars we left on campus after pushing them as far as we could in the snow.  And to all of you who have checked in with the students to confirm their safe arrival...they greatly appreciate your support...and let me assure you they have already forgotten about the stress and difficulty of Sunday as they are busy exploring the amazing city of London!

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