Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Central Communications Center

After the students were personally introduced to Constable Richard Watson, we were escorted into the Central Communications Command Center of the Metropolitan Police Service. - the largest of its kind in the world.  Constable Watson discussed the command structure used when both planned and spontaneous events occur in London.

We were then able to experience 'Big Brother' at work when we viewed the monitoring of the thousands of CCTV cameras throughout London.  Maybe this will encourage the students to continue to be on their best behavior while in London!

Constable Watson led a discussion of the comparison of British and American policing...which included some live demonstrations!

To end the afternoon, he gave us all Metropolitan Police gifts....he said it was because he needed to clean out his locker for his quickly approaching retirement, but I know it's because he is just a good guy!

Brenna and Constable Watson playing a card game using a deck of Olympic memorabilia cards featuring Metropolitan Police service dogs - we all got a deck to take home!

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